Top 10 PAN Verification API Providers In India

29th December 2023

The verification of Permanent Account Numbers (PANs) has become crucial for businesses, financial institutions, and regulatory bodies in India's rapidly changing and fast-paced financial landscape. The need for effective and safe PAN verification API providers is greater than ever as we negotiate the complexities of the digital age.

Now let's get down to business and examine the top 10 PAN verification API providers in India. These businesses have not only embraced the digital revolution but also proven their ability to deliver seamless solutions that meet the particular needs of the Indian market.

But first, let’s understand in brief what PAN Verification API is.

What is PAN Verification API?

A connecting fiber that enables data sharing between two distinct applications is known as an Application Programming Interface, or API. Through this banks and NBFCs can expedite the onboarding process. The PAN details obtained from the client can be sent by banking apps or digital lending apps (DLAs) to a KYC verification service provider for authentication, thanks to PAN verification APIs.

FIs use the technology that the service provider develops to extract and read off PAN details from images using OCR and match details using aggregate algorithms in just a couple of seconds.

What are the modes to verify your PAN Card?

Online PAN verification can be accomplished via three methods. They are listed as follows:

1. API PAN based verification: With the aid of a software programme, candidates can use this specific mode to use a verification site to confirm the validity of their PAN Card.

2. NSDL PAN Verification in File Format: In this mode, the applicant can upload a file containing up to 1000 PANs in the format specified by NSDL e-governance after logging into their account. The website provides all the required PAN details 24 hours after the file is uploaded and submitted, and if the user uploads a file with the incorrect format, they will receive a rejection notice.

3. Screen-based verification: After logging in, the user is able to provide up to five PANs that are displayed on the screen. The PAN details are required to be submitted and are distributed along with the results.

Here is a list of Top 10 PAN Verification service providers in India:

Company Description
Perfios Perfios is a Saas based Fintech company that provides a variety of data analytics and credit decisioning solutions to banks, NBFCs, and other financial institutions.
Setu Businesses utilize Setu's software and APIs to reinvent lending, payments, deposits, onboarding, and data empowerment for their end users.
IDFY IDfy develops technological solutions to assist businesses with onboarding associates.
Signzy A leading platform from Signzy is revolutionizing the speed, accuracy, and digital onboarding experience for financial institutions' clients and enterprises.
Surepass Through the provision of Real-time ID verification and numerous other APIs, Surepass streamlines the user onboarding process for businesses. facilitates risk-based underwriting, enhanced due diligence checks, and smooth customer journeys.
SignDesk SignDesk is a provider of AI-driven document automation solutions meant to assist companies in achieving their digital transformation objectives and increasing productivity.
attestr With the intention of providing a SaaS platform that would enable anyone to create no-code digital user onboarding procedures without requiring specialized technical knowledge, Attestr was founded.
Decentro Decentro creates a platform for API banking software that makes product launches simple.
Eko Giving a new generation of driven businessmen the tools they need to access the global economy and become secure financially.



Perfios' PAN Verification API marks a significant advancement in identity verification for 2023. This real-time verification tool connects directly to government databases, ensuring swift and accurate validation of Permanent Account Numbers (PAN). The API's standout feature is its AI-based OCR technology, which extracts and verifies PAN details from various documents, streamlining the onboarding and verification process. By integrating GST verification, the API also aids in ensuring compliance with GST regulations by performing PAN number checks.



Using Setu's PAN verification API, organisations can verify the authenticity and identity of a PAN card holder with their consent. They establish a direct connection with NSDL to ensure the maximum uptime. Just enter the user's PAN number to get details. Using this API, a variety of financial products can be enabled and identity checks can be carried out during the customer onboarding process. The simple and straightforward API is provided by the Income Tax Department of the Indian government. simplified APIs to handle user requests quickly and with the best uptime and response times possible.



Using an image of a PAN card, IDfy's PAN Card OCR API retrieves data. For a quicker and error-free form-filling experience, it accurately auto-fills this data in the appropriate fields. PAN OCR technology has clear benefits in many different fields. For companies, it guarantees data compliance and expedites the onboarding of new customers. Error-free and more effective administrative procedures are advantageous to government agencies. People find it simpler to apply for credit cards and other financial products like loans.



Utilize Signzy's PAN Verification API to swiftly and accurately authenticate PAN cards for your clients, effectively preventing fraudulent activities. The PAN Card Verification API Solution provided by Signzy is a trustworthy and efficient tool specifically designed for ensuring the authenticity of PAN Cards. The key to earning your customers' trust and combating fraud lies in employing this unified solution. Counteract fraudulent activities effectively while building trust with your clientele through the reliable features of Signzy's PAN Verification API Solution.



The PAN Verification API by Surepass raises the standard for reliable and speedy verification, allowing businesses to verify the identity of their customers and prevent fraud. For verifying the authenticity of PAN Cards, Surepass's PAN Card Verification API Solution is an essential tool. Their solution provides a strong defense against fraudulent activities. It guarantees the credibility of your customers, following the Income Tax Department's guidelines for online PAN verification systems.'s PAN card verification API verifies the PAN card holder's information by accessing a government database. Because PAN Verification API uses government and IT databases to validate data like Name, DOB, and PAN Number, it is impenetrable to fraud. All relevant regulatory requirements, such as NSDL, AML, and KYC, are met by their services. Making the switch to digital helps preserve trees and cut down on paper use. Thanks to their PAN verification, you can be certain that you are only onboarding companies and individuals who possess a valid PAN card ID.



The PAN Verification API from SignDesk retrieves information about an individual, including name, DOB, father's name, and PAN number. Instantaneously verify employee KYC through PAN verification powered by AI. Invites staff members to participate in remote KYC verification online, manages staff profiles, stores identification documents on a single dashboard, and provides speedy digital onboarding. Using OCR and intelligent verification methods, SignDesk's PAN verification API can quickly scan, extract, and validate PAN information from business IDs.



For smooth user onboarding, use the PAN Verification API by Attestr to verify PAN numbers and retrieve the tax payer name and category as entered into the NSDL Database. Up to date details of newly registered PAN numbers is ensured by using real-time data sourced from the NSDL. Using libraries and APIs, integrate your current mobile sites, apps, and web portals seamlessly in a matter of minutes. With the help of this service, you can verify tax payers in India across all categories, including individuals as well as businesses.



With Decentro's PAN Verification API, you can quickly and reliably verify the identity of a person or company in real time. This acts as a means of identification and a database of client and business data that can be utilized for onboarding and verification. Due to the built-in security of digital verification, implementing such a process would make customer verification more efficient, secure, and quick. When combined with the KYC stack, it will expedite and simplify the identity verification and onboarding process. Data access that is transparent and safe, removing the possibility of identity fraud during onboarding.



Leverage Eko's Pan verification API for authenticating employees, clients, and merchants, streamlining customer onboarding. Integration is all it takes to progress seamlessly. The user-friendly API effectively eradicates PAN-fraud concerns, offering ease of use with clear documentation. Eko's PAN API simplifies verification through a convenient "Type and Click" method. Upon obtaining the pan number in the backend, NSDL promptly retrieves the associated name, enhancing the efficiency of the pan verification process.


Ensuring accuracy in PAN details is critical for regulatory compliance and fraud prevention. Technological advancements, exemplified by platforms like Perfios, have streamlined the PAN verification process, offering efficiency and convenience. With the increasing use of PAN in transactions, reliable online verification methods are essential. As a key step in KYC procedures, the Income Tax Department recommends online PAN verification for institutions to validate client legitimacy. The top 10 PAN verification API providers in India, highlighted in our blog, embody this evolution, providing efficient solutions for businesses navigating the complexities of regulatory compliance and data integrity.

About Perfios:

Perfios Software Solutions is India’s largest SaaS-based B2B fintech software company enabling 1000+ FIs to take informed decisions in real-time. Headquartered in mumbai, India, Perfios specializes in real-time credit decisioning, analytics, onboarding automation, due diligence, monitoring, litigation automation, and more.

Perfios’ core data platform has been built to aggregate and analyze both structured and unstructured data and provide vertical solutions combining both consented and public data for the BFSI space catering to their stringent Scale Performance, Security, and other SLA requirements.

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