AI & Human Synergy - The Hybrid Model that combines AI and Subject Matter Expert Intervention in Document Scanning

21st September 2021

Technology is constantly rapidly racing ahead, bringing about the invention of newer and better techniques constantly, each promising more competitive advantages to industries than the other. With the outbreak of Covid-19, tech-innovators are continually striving to upgrade the existing technologies and replace them with enhanced tools that will reduce pressure on manpower leading to cost-savings and maximized accuracy. 

With innovation in technology, making industry workflows easier, Perfios has created InDigize, which uses machine learning techniques like AI/MI for fraud detection and generates accurate reports, aiding in data analysis and enabling higher productivity.  

InDigize has been able to touch the depth and breadth of the data platform. Its techniques are also customized according to customer requirements, offering problem-solving skills and professional expertise.  It is highly customizable for each customer, making it easy to adopt and use.

InDigize software is a unique combination of digitally scanning the documents and assisting an expert team that assures effective and seamless execution of documentation work. It helps grab insights resulting in a faster decision-making process and improvised cost structure.

Let’s learn about InDigize and how it can help banks and financial institutions with its advanced technology and subject matter expertise.  

Role of InDigize

Service providers like Financial Institutions, banks, etc. are dealing with restless customers and vast amounts of disparate data, with data insights to price and manage risks. InDigize caters to a comprehensive suite of documents ranging from bank statements, GST, ITR, etc. It executes scanned document digitization which replaces human effort to scrutinize each document and helps deliver the best possible output in terms of quality and efforts. 

Bulk scanning in banks is primarily a service role and requires one-time activity. As a process, the legwork involves atleast 48 hours to go through the entire function. With InDigize, one has to scan and upload the documents simply, and the task is executed seamlessly along with the output report in 60 minutes with nearly 100% accuracy. 

It also helps maintain older records like bank statements or financial documents pertaining to a particular client, which can be helpful for future analysis. 

InDigize Process 

1. Processing: InDigize converts unstructured data into end-to-end automation documents that enable usable information, readable documents, and data extraction.  

2. AI Document Segregation: With intelligent data automation, banks and financial institutions can apply accurate data across- all or genre-specific verticals to improve an enterprise's overall work standards. It helps meet organizational goals and promises expansion and profits.

3. Accuracy: InDigize will provide almost 100% accurate data. It cross-checks and verifies facts, mitigating risks and enabling customer satisfaction. 

4. Human-in-loop Validation- InDigize and its team of experts ensure smooth functioning of the institution by aiding them to enable AI capabilities and integrate it into their workflows effortlessly.

InDigize Aims High! 

Leveraging on a hybrid model of AI/MI technologies assisted with human expertise, Perfios bridges the gap between data and insights to enable its customers with automated data and risk-reducing decisions. Perfios uses Artificial Intelligence AI/MI to automate what was once simply a standalone human-intensive process.

Perfios also provides custom workflow solutions that will optimize the processing capabilities for its customers. InDigize is efficient and provides accurate solutions for different document types.

While, today, a team of people is needed for verification, with evolving technology, one is hoping to reduce manual intervention, thereby increasing the efficiency and bringing down the turnaround times. Perfios is heavily investing in this part of the business.

Using traditional scanning systems required a team of people, evolving technology makes us hopeful of manual intervension being reduced, yet with increased efficiency and low turnaround times. InDigize does all of this, with complete accuracy! 

Larger institutions are today investing a lot in staffing, which can be reduced with the help of technology. While Perfios' core philosophy is- it harps on the accuracy, faster turnaround times and higher productivity.

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