Frequently Asked Questions on Pricing

Q1. I am an existing user, do I have to pay now?

No, you can always continue to use the solution for free unless you intend/opt to use the advanced features at Perfios, which comes as a bundle in the paid (Gold/ Platinum) plans. You can be a free user Forever, hence the name of the plan - FREE Forever.

Q2. So does it mean Perfios is Free Forever?

Yes, the basic features at Perfios will remain FREE Forever, infact the default sign up is as a FREE user and then only you can upgrade to a Gold/Platinum user.

Q3. Will you "trap" the FREE users by suddenly introducing a subscription model?

No, Perfios will never do that. We believe in the FREEMIUM model. The basic features will always remain FREE Forever and only if you wish to use the advance features of Perfios you may choose to upgrade to one of the premium plans.

Q4. I am a new user, do I have to pay to use your services?

No, in fact if you see our simple registration process you would realize that even for you to sign up, all we ask for your email id and never force you to pay. We encourage you to start using our services and only if you wish to use our advance features, you can upgrade to our premium plans - anytime.

Q5. Can I choose which features I would like to have in my plan? In other words do you offer features to be selected in an A La carte way?

Well, we have done enough research and survey to understand how these feature baskets should be made up, hence we feel what we offer in our Gold/Platinum plans should meet the needs of most people. In any case, if you still feel we can do better, then do write to us at support@perfios.com and will surely evaluate your suggestion.

Q6. Is there a trial period?

Since Perfios works on a FREMIUM model, there is no need of a trial offer. As the basic package is FREE Forever, every one signing up has a Lifetime Trial offer :) - FREE Forever Plan.

Q7. How good is Perfios FREE Forever plans as compared to the competition?

Our goal from the time we started building the product has been clear - we need to help people manage their finance in an easy way. Provide a 360 degree view and maximum automation so that we can save time, effort and money for people. We want to provide this basic functionality as part of free plan so that any one signing up for the solution, will be able to meet this core objective. So, we humbly submit that our free plan itself beats the (paid) competition solutions in almost all dimensions (features, support, and of course, cost!).

Q8. Is there a phone number where I can call to clarify doubts?

As of now, we would request you to use our email support support@perfios.com for getting any of your questions answered.

Q9. I have made the payment but it does not reflect in my account, what should I do?

After making your payment, logout and re-login to view your Upgraded account. If you still notice issues, please send us a note to support@perfios.com with payment details and we will take care of the issue.

Q10. Will I get enough reminders when my subscription is about to end?

You will be receiving a reminder one month before the expiration date and one more a week before the expiration and one on the day before the expiration.

Q11. Can I get a refund if am not happy with the service?

Hopefully, that situation won't arise! No, at this stage, we are not encouraging this option.

Q12. Can I change my plan from Platinum to Gold? Will the balance amount get credited back in my CC/bank account?

No you cannot change from Platinum to Gold. But once your subscription ends, you can choose any plan

Q13. Can I upgrade from Gold to Platinum anytime? How is the already paid amount adjusted?

You can upgrade anytime from free to gold to platinum. We will adjust the amount paid on a pro-rata basis and you would need to pay only the difference.

Q14. What happens if I do not renew? Will my account get closed or it will go back to FREE Forever Plan?

We will never close your account. As we mentioned before, once you register, you will be in a Free Forever plan by default. So, if you do not renew, you will become a Free Forever plan user and won't be able to use advanced features that you would have used earlier.

Q15. I am an existing user and have been using features that are now part of Gold/Platinum plans. I don't intend to upgrade to these paid plans. So, what happens to my existing data/reports that uses these advanced features?

If you have been using Mobile feature, that won't be available for a Free Forever plan - you have to upgrade to either one of the paid plans to start using the mobile access. If you have saved reports and have been using the saved reports to view data, you can continue to use those saved reports to see the latest data. However, you cannot create new report definition and save them. If you have been using Income Tax features, you can continue to use the feature only with the paid plans.

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